Millennium-A Petz Magazine

Hi!Im Crillian, mascot of Millennium. This page is under MAJOR construction. When it's finished there well be a petz show, stories, and more. So come back soon. I'm working as hard as I can. You might see one of my friends around here like Hunter,Storm, Chessy, or Pika. There are more be\ut I dont want to waste your time.

Petz Show

I'm Storm head of the Millennium Petz Show. There will be a petz show every month and some times Theme Shows, where there's a theme you have to go by. My owner, Sonya is take 15 entries at a time. If you want to send in your petz picz, e-mail me at [email protected] Subject:Petz Show...
Name of Petz:
Your name:
Your e-mail:
Which petz show(Regular or Theme)
Winners will be posted here for each month.

This month is April. There are 2 petz shows, Regular and Easter. Regular is the regular show. Easter is the theme show. You have to dress your petz up in an Easter costum or paint a Easter costum on your petz.


Questions or Comments
I'm Hunter, head of the FAQ department. The questions you e-mail us I answer them and if alot of peolpe ask that question I post it here. If you have any questions e'mail my owner at [email protected] Subject:FAQ

Favourite links

Read stories people posted and post your own

Post the opening of your new site, fat camp, etc.

Email me at:
[email protected]

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